Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New Year 1129 (Nepal Sambat)
This sambat is based on lunar calendar that was established in the ground of our own country, by a common Nepali citizen, named after our own country, officially practiced for 889 years in the past and deeply related to religion, culture and tradition of Nepal. There was confusion that this Calendar is only calendar of Newars. ( It's true that Newars have been continuously engaged for preserving the existence of Nepal Sambat for several decades. Now all Nepali social activists, politicians and common citizen have realized its importance. Government's recent decision has opened the door to preserve the culturally, traditionally and historically important properties..). In fact, this calendar has been using by every Nepali in daily life as ekadashi, dwadashi, purnima, aushi... and for finding out subha sait/murhat for wedding, bratabandha, pashni, puja/path....
• Practically used in our daily lives.
• Most of the festivals like Dashain, Tihar, Chaite Dasain, Teej, Shivaratri, Gaijatra, Chhath, Rishi Panchami, Krishna Astami, Nag Panchami, etc. are according to lunar calendar of Nepal Sambat.
• This calendar is glory of Nepal because it is created by a common citizen of Nepal not by any foreigner like Bikram Sambat ( by Indian King).
• Nepal Sambat is a unique calendar in the sense, all other calendars are named after some rulers or religious leaders. Nepal Sambat is the only calendar which is named after a country.
• This calendar was in continuous official use in Nepal for 889 years, i.e., from 879 to 1769 AD.
• All the astrologist/jyotish are using it for making Patro.
• The founder of Nepal Sambat has already been recognized as National Hero(bivuti).
Nepal's original Era Nepal Sambat was begun by Sankhadhar Sakhwah , in Malla period, when Raghab Dev was ruling in Kantipur and Anand Malla in Bhaktapur. It was started from 20th of October 879 Thursday.This calendar is said to have been introduced by a common subject Shankhadhar Sakhwa by clearing on his own all debts owing to the state by the then subjects of Nepal. This calendar was in continuous official use in city states of Kathmandu valley and Banepa for 889 years, i.e., from 879 to 1769 AD. After conquering city states of Kathmandu valley,in 1769 AD, King Prithvi Narayan Shah discontinued official use of Nepal Sambat. Instead Saka Sambat became de facto as well as de-jure calendar of whole country. In valley itself, Saka Sambat were widely used in official work alongside the Nepal Sambat. In 1903 AD, Rana prime minister Chandra Shamsher replaced the Saka Sambat with the Bikram Sambat
Monday, October 6, 2008
Hindu God and Goddess
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Vijaya Dashain
The 15 days of celebration occurs during the bright lunar fortnight ending on the day of the full moon.
Dashain is celebrated with great rejoice, and Durga is worshiped throughout the country as the divine mother goddess.

Dashain commemorates a great victory of the gods over the demons.
The first nine days signify the nine days of ferocious battle between Goddess Durga and Mahisasur. The 10th day is the day when Mahisasur was slain and the last five days symbolise the celebration of the victory with the blessing of the goddess.
The first day of Dashain is called Ghatasthapana, which literally means “setting up the pot”. On this day the kalash--holy water vessel--symbolising goddess Durga often with her image embossed on the side is placed in the prayer room.
The Ghatasthapana ritual is performed at a certain auspicious moment determined by the astrologers. At that particular moment the priest intones a welcome, requesting goddess Durga to bless the vessel with her presence.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Indra Jatra on Sept 14, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
नेपालका नेपालीहरु
गर्जदाको बादल आकाशमा
नरमाईलौ अमिलो लाग्दो थियो
सिरेटो चलेको चिसो जाडोमा
दम्भ थियो जस्तो लाग्थ्यो,
क्रुररताको पराकाष्ठा थिएन
एक निर्दयी सिकारिले
छोडेको गोली लागेर
फत्र फत्र गर्दै छटपटाइरहेको
त्यो निरिह चरा जस्तो
पिडाको सिमा थिएन
कसैले मुखमा अट्ठ्याएजस्तो
हात गोडा बांधेर,
चुप्पिले घांटी रेट्दै छकी जस्तो
मान्छे भएर पनि कति कठोर
धिक्कार्दे गर्दा मेरो मनले
तनावमा अत्तालिएको मन
फुस्केलाकि सास भन्दै
छट्पटाईरहेको रहन्छन् आजभोलि
नेपालका नेपालीहरु
Friday, July 4, 2008
Survey on "Eek Madhesh Eek Pradesh" Idea
Click on this view the result of survey in the Survey
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Ex-King Gyanendra's statement before leaving Palace
Full text of ex-King Gyanendra's statement (11th June 08)
Dear Nepalese brothers and sisters,
This country which came into being 240 years back as a garden of four castes and thirty-six sub castes as imagined and established by our ancestor His Majesty, the Great King Prithvi Narayan Shah, is going through a period of very serious and sensitive upheaval. It is well known that the Nepalese Monarchy which has always been activised for people’s prosperity and progress has always been working together and cooperating with the happiness and woes of Nepali people. Burning examples of that are unification, preservation of nationalism, democratisation and modernisation through the united effort of the king and national integrity as equivalent to the value of our lives. Our committed energised feelings towards these values and standards have remained constant from the past and are equally strong in the present and will remain so in the future.
I would like to inform everybody concerned that when seven years back because of an unnatural, unexpected and tragic incident while shouldering the responsibility of the Head of the State according to the national heritage and ages of old monarchical traditions, I had no other interests except considerations for the sovereignty, independence, national pride, territorial integrity, peace and the institutional development of democracy, and overall progress of all the citizens. In the then Hindu kingdom of Nepal, the birth place of Buddha the efforts started, with the best of intention trying to ensure the peace and prosperity in the country were not successful overtime, which I have already accepted earlier. The chain of events and ensuing results are obvious to everybody like an open book.
I would like to express, with God as my witness, certain things which I couldn’t express earlier because of my official responsibilities but which was troubling my inner heart all the time, through you dear journalist friends to my Nepalese brothers and sisters and the international community. May be we should call it destiny that when I was innocent child, I had neither any wish nor desire nor any possibility of having a distinct role except the compulsion to have to quietly accept the crown. Likewise, for the second time when an unimaginable and horrifying event took place on the night of Jestha 19th, 2058, I could not express through word my internal pain when I was compelled and tied up by the chains of tradition and duty without being even able to shed tears over the mortal remains of those respected and beloved family members and lighten the burden of pain at the gruesome destruction of my close relatives. Even at that time some people blamed and accused me and my family with great indiscretion and cruelty but we had no alternative but to tolerate that too, nor were there people who spoke on our behalf. Being prejudiced against me and my family members the efforts which were continuously started through different means by taking advantage of those circumstances and events, have been very painful to us and are still so. Other members of the Royal Family who were wounded but survived the incident in the Royal Palace are still alive. They are also witness to it. The bullet fragments which couldn’t be taken out for technical reasons are still in the body of my wife who was also wounded and survived. The detailed facts had also come out from the medical doctors involved in their treatment. The high level Royal Investigation Commission had already made public the detailed report about the incident. When all the Nepalese people and the Royal Family were overwhelmed with grief, at that time, to level accusations and blame in this way seems to be a strategy to damage the goodwill of the Nepalese people towards the institution of Monarchy and to spread ill will, which was also not compatible with human suffering.
Likewise, I have also heard false rumours about allegations that I have property abroad. All my property is in Nepal. I have no movable or immovable property in foreign lands. The property which had been bequeathed to me from my ancestors, according to Nepalese laws is also not in my name and I have institutionalised it maintaining that property and have only conserved it. During the last seven years neither have I added any property nor have I taken any action by which the traditional property has been reduced. I have not also usurped the right to property of any member of the Royal Family. I believe that I would also have rights to maintain private property according to the prevalent laws of Nepal.
Respecting Constitutional Assembly elections and the decision taken by the
constituent assembly meeting on Jestha 15th, I am cooperating in every way towards the successful implementation of that decision. I have also not thought of leaving the country. I would like to live in my own Motherland and contribute in whatever way possible to greater good of the country and peace in this land. I believe that there will be support for this from all sectors.
I pledge to be completely dedicated to the independence and territorial integrity of the nation of Nepal which was formed and has remained independent and sovereign because of the blood, sweat and sacrifice of the great ancestors of us Nepalese, wherever and whatever circumstances I may be in. I love the independence of this nation. My feelings and sentiments are that of sanctity, indivisibility and original values of this independent nation should always be preserved. My heartfelt good wishes are for the overall welfare of the self-respecting common Nepalese people.
Today, on this date, I have handed over the Crown and Sceptre used by the Kings of Shah dynasty and which has remained as heirloom in this dynasty to the Government of Nepal for safekeeping and protection for ages to come.
Finally, on behalf of my family members and myself, I would like to express my sorrow, if anybody has been inadvertently hurt by actions of my own or of the members of my family while I was working as head of State for the welfare of Nepal and the Nepalese. I would like to express gratitude to all citizens, constitutional organs, judicial sector, security organisations, civil servants, teachers, professors, students, farmers, labourers, industrialists, businessmen, intellectual youths, religious organisations, journalists, civil society, personnel working in the Royal Palace service and all others from different walks of life and all the other associated Nepalese inside and outside Nepal who extended their cooperation to me. I would also like to thank the friendly neighbouring countries who have always wished well for Nepal, the international community and representative of diplomatic corps. I would also like to thank the members of the Committees for Security and management recently deputed by the government of Nepal. I would like to thank the government of Nepal for all the help and cooperation extended to me. I also hope that like now, I would keep on getting the same level of necessary cooperation from the Government of Nepal in the future too.
May Lord Pashupatinath bless us all. Jaya Nepal
Source: Nepal News
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
जय गणतन्त्र नेपाल....
धेरै पर्खाईका बाबजुद हिजो २०६५-०२-१५ का दिन २४० बर्ष पुरानो राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य भएको छ र नेपाल संघीय गणतन्त्रको नया मुलुक मा परिणत भएको छ। शंबिधानसभाको चुनावपनि होला कि नहोला भन्ने पिर एकातिर थियो भने भयो भने त्यसको परिणाम कस्तो आऊला अर्को शंका। तर जसरी भए पनि शंबिधानसभाको चुनाव सकीयो र गणतन्त्रबादिहरुको जीत भएको छ। जम्मा ५६४ जना सभासदहरुले मत हालेको हिजोको मतमा, ५६० जना सभासदले संघीय गणतन्त्रको साथ दिएका थिए, जसअनुसार नेपाललाई संघीय गणतन्त्रको नया मुलुक मा परिणत गर्न सजिलो भएको हो। अब नेपालले कसरी अगाडी बढ्ने हो त्यो त हेर्नै बाकि छ, तरपनि जन चाहना अनुसार नेपाललाई नेताहरुले लैजालानभन्ने सबैको चाहना छ। भ्रष्टाचारले जगटिएको कर्मचारितन्त्र, कुर्शिकोलागी नेताहरुको खिचातानी, अपराधमा दण्डहिनता, न्यायप्रणालीमा लापर्बाहि, बेरोजगारिता, गरिबी, आदि मुख्य शमस्याहरु यो देशले भोग्दै आएका भोगाईहरु हुन। यि समस्याका निराकरण सभाशदहरुले अस्ति खाएको शपथको अछरस पालना गर्ने हो भने कत्ति पनि टाढा छैन। तर देशका सभासदहरु गध्दारभए भने यो गणतन्त्रले देशलाई सोमालिया, कोंगो जस्ता गृहयुद्धमा धकेलिने छ अनि आज सम्म टिक्न सफल युवाले पलायन हुनु पर्ने छ या आत्महत्या गर्नु पर्ने छ। अनि देश बुध्दको शान्ति को देशहैन महाभारतको रणभुमि जस्तो कहालिलाग्दो हुने छ। जे होस् नया संघीय गणतन्त्र नेपालको पाईलामा हाम्रो साथ संधै रहने छ, हामी सबैलाई बधाई छ, आज देशले नया मोड बाट पार भएको छ। अब बिकाशको मुल फुट्ने छ। गरिबी हट्ने छ, शान्ति छाऊने छ। जय गणतन्त्र नेपाल।।। |
Nepal - now Federal Democratic Republic Country
The much-anticipated meeting took the decision late on Wednesday night after a nearly ten-and-a-half-hour delay, effectively ending the 240-year-old institution of monarchy and making the king an ordinary citizen.
Out of a total 564 votes, the proposal garnered 560 votes in its favour, while only four votes were cast against the proposal.
The Nepal government will control and manage the Narayanhiti palace(King's palace) which has now become a national property and has given 15 days warning to King Gyanendra to leave the palace.
Best wishes for New Nepal
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
मेरो राष्ट्र मेरो नेपाल....
एउटै मेरो सहारा मेरो राष्ट्र मेरो नेपाल कति मैले दु:ख गरेँ बिदेशीको माटोमा तर ठुला खोल्सा रैछन् आँफु हिड्ने बाटोमा। एउटै मेरो सहारा मेरो राष्ट्र मेरो नेपाल पसिनाको भेल बग्यो बिदेशीको जरामा आफ्नो एता चिरा पर्यो धान फल्ने गरामा एउटै मेरो सहारा मेरो राष्ट्र मेरो नेपाल ठुला ठुला महल बनाए बिदेशीका शहरमा आफ्नो घर त भत्किएछ महल बन्ने रहरमा एउटै मेरो सहारा मेरो राष्ट्र मेरो नेपाल कति साथी अपाङ्ग भए कतिको त ज्यानै गयो सबैले देश छाड्दा आज देश टुहुरो भयो। एउटै मेरो सहारा मेरो राष्ट्र मेरो नेपाल देश मलाई बोलाउँदछ जान्छु अब आफ्नै देशमा बाँच्छु अब जति बाँच्छु आफ्नै नेपालीको भेषमा एउटै मेरो सहारा मेरो राष्ट्र मेरो नेपाल |
Happy 2552th Buddha Jayanti

Happy 2552th Buddha Jayanti!
Worshipers decorate the main dome of the massive Buddha Stupa in Maha Bouddha, Kathmandu to mark the 2552nd Buddha. There was also photo exhibition related to Buddha of different places like (Bouddhanath, Swayambhau, Bhaktapur etc). Lord Buddha who is the founder of Buddhist religion was born as a royal prince in 624 BC in a place called Lumbini, Nepal. His mother’s name was Queen Mayadevi and his father’s name was King Shuddhodana. Lord Buddha's actual name was "Siddhartha Gautam". Some people believe that Buddha was born in India, which is totally wrong. Some photos of Maha Bauddha, Kathmandu, Nepal can be found below:

Let us hope peace and stability in our country. Jai Nepal!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
प्रजातन्त्रपछिको मेरो नेपाल।।।।
अन्जान शर्मा
निचोरेको कागति जस्तो थेचारिएको नानी जस्तो ददारिएको घाऊ जस्तो गरिबको नाऊ जस्तो च्यातिएको लुगा जस्तो खान नपाको सुगा जस्तो ग्राहक नभेटेको व्यापारी जस्तो जज्मान नभेटेको पुजारी जस्तो गोली नभएको वन्दुक जस्तो सामान नभएको सन्दुक जस्तो गृहकार्य नगरेको विधार्थी जस्तो देश छाडेको शरणार्थी जस्तो दिँऊसोको जुन जस्तो हराएको सुन जस्तो रेगिस्तानको मरुभुमि जस्तो महाभारतको रणभुमि जस्तो प्रजातन्त्रपछिको मेरो नेपाल।।।। |
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saturday as Weekend in Nepal
In Arabaic Countries, "Friday" is considered as weekend.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
National Anthem of Nepal
After the revolutions against the monarchy, Nepal thought to replace its pro-monarchy anthem with a new one in a public contest. The winner, Pradeep Kumar Rai (Byakul Maila) was selected from 1,272 submissions. The new national anthem was officially declared on August 3, 2007.
Nepali National Anthem Lyrics
Sayau thunga phoolkaa haamee yautai mala nepali
Sarwabhauma bhai phailayakaa mechi mahakalee
Prakritekaa kotee kotee sampadako aachala
Beerharukaa ragatale swatantra ra aatala
Gyanbhumee shantebhumee tarai pahaada hemaala
Akhanda yoo pyaro hamro matrebhumee nepal
Bahul jaate bhashha dharma sanskritee chhan besaala
Agragame rastra hamro jaya jaya nepal
सयौं थूंगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
सार्वभौम भइ फैलिएका, मेची-महाकाली ।
प्रकृतिका कोटी-कोटी सम्पदाको आंचल
वीरहरुका रगतले, स्वतन्त्र र अटल
ज्ञानभूमि, शान्तिभूमि तराई, पहाड, हिमाल
अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल ।
बहुल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति छन् विशाल
अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल ।
We are hundreds of flowers, the one garland - Nepali
Sovereign, spread out from Mechi to Mahakali.
Amassing nature's millions of heritage
By the blood of the braves, independent and immovable.
Land of knowledge, land of peace, Terai hills, mountains
Undivided this beloved, our motherland Nepal.
Our progressive nation, long live, long live Nepal.

Download The Song
Happy New Year 2065
Adipti Gupta